“Everything happens in good time—in its own good time,”
says Sri Harold reassuringly.
Through stories of remarkable coincidences, he clearly
illustrates how God’s perfect
timing can help change attitudes and situations and resolve karma.
Several coincidental delays during a couple’s travels
in Tobago enable them to help a
fisherman out of a seemingly impossible situation and repair
his boat. A chance visit
to a pet store, plus special attention from a group of birds there
helps Eppie heal her broken
heart and repair a karmic rift of anger with her son. Ingrid, a Swedish ECK initiate,
has a life-changing experience with a precious gift—her secret word.
Sri Harold mentions The Longevity Project—a study of what leads to a long,
happy, and healthy life. “Good health,” he says, “makes it easier for one to strive for
God Consciousness.”
He also reminds us, “You’re going to run your course. . . .
This is the nature of life. But also remember that you are Soul. You are not the
body. . . . You, Soul, are eternal.”
The Master says, “Our teachings are about learning through
experience.” We can also
learn spiritual lessons through the experience of others, and the examples in this talk
are a great way to accomplish just that.
Track titles:
- Welcome to the 2011 ECK Springtime Seminar
- The Condo Situation
- Riddle of the Sphinx
- An Adventure of Coincidence
- Mike and Huckleberry Meet Again
- Birds of a Feather Open Eppie's Heart
- Ingrid Uses Her Secret Word
- "How Did You Like Your Gift?"
- Health on the Road to God