If God is God, then who are you? The answer to this question is easy. You are Soul, destined to become a Co-worker with God. So why has this question puzzled mankind for ages? Diane had a childhood desire to be “God’s assistant.” Mike in Nigeria set out on a quest to find herbs to help a sick friend. Shelly in Spain helped a hitchhiker. All these people were learning to be Co-workers with God in service to all life. You are one of the lights of God, moving about in this world asking, sometimes minute by minute, sometimes day by day, “God, what can I do now? What can I do now to learn more about your love and mercy?” When you ask, the Holy Spirit, the ECK, will provide an opportunity. And believe me, there are lots of opportunities. How do you find out what to do now? How do you recognize the opportunities the Holy Spirit brings you? The answers to these questions and many more are available to you in this talk, right now. Cross-reference: chapter 14, How to Survive Spiritually in Our Times, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 16 (CD) Tracks: - Welcome to the 1999 ECK European Seminar
- Story of the Talk Title
- God’s Little Helper
- Levels of Heaven, the Voice of God, and Soul
- Camp Sunshine and Diane’s Special Wish
- Mike’s Search for Healing Herbs
- The Hitchhiker’s Angel
- Rescue from the Born-Again Bank Teller
- How to Talk about Religion
- Closing