The Wind from the Mountain is the ECK. The ECK is the Life Force we know and respect as the source of our being. It is the fountain of love. As the wind comes down from the mountain of God, it brings changes into our lives. With the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, you can meet these changes with joy in your heart and find a greater measure of happiness and awareness in daily life. A humorous story of an adventure in the inner worlds illustrates how those who ignore the signs and resist change can find themselves left behind, stranded on the banks of the ECK Stream. It is a reminder of the folly of judging or comparing ourselves to others. (CD) Track titles: - Change and Happiness
- A Listening Lesson
- Heaven and Evolution
- The Old Man’s Heavy Bag
- The Mirror Principle
- Pulling Back the Curtain
- The Master’s Talk Preparation
- Revelations from the Master
- Life Lessons from a Little Orange Cat
- The Gift of Laughter