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A Gift of Love
1998 ECK Summer Festival, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MP3 Sri Harold Klemp
Item #: M101852


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A gift of love takes the awareness to see it, to recognize it. These gifts of the Holy Spirit are around you every day. In fact, you’re sitting in the middle of thousands of gifts of love at this moment.

Think about it!

What exactly are gifts of love? Where do they come from? How do we recognize them? There are many clues in this talk.

If you love animals, some of these stories will cause you to ponder the gifts your furry and feathered friends bring. For instance, what did a woman learn from a hummingbird flitting back and forth between her kitchen window and a tree covered with cheesecloth? What was a Siamese cat telling her owner when she kept nudging her to play with the cat’s favorite toy?

Can a personal gift also be a gift from God? As an example, Sri Harold tells the story of the new suit his wife, Joan, gave him. What about subtler things like freedom, gratitude, compassion, or respect for yourself and others? What about your health? This can be a gift from God. In this talk, he also mentions two books for people with serious health problems who are looking for ideas to draw from that may be of help.

Would you like to ride the Time Track back to ancient Egypt? Sri Harold recommends a work of historical fiction, one of a series of “far memory” books by the same author. He mentions this book because it has so many spiritual insights, it could be an ECK book. The only thing missing is the word ECK.

This talk also gives a spiritual exercise to try with the ECK dictionary, A Cosmic Sea of Words: The ECKANKAR Lexicon. It’s also a gift of love!


Also available in other formats; see below.

Also Available . . .

More A Gift of Love
1998 ECK Summer Festival, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Broadcast DVD
Sri Harold Klemp
Item #: 298502
Price: $15.00
1998 ECK Summer Festival, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sri Harold Klemp
Item #: 202092
Price: $18.00
1998 ECK Summer Festival, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
two CDs
Sri Harold Klemp
Item #: 101852
Price: $18.00
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