Why do some dreams fade so fast upon awakening—while others seem so vague that the dreamer recalls nothing? Is there a way to catch these fleeting messages from God? It’s a matter of consciousness, not a matter of logic. So often we talk about the different things which are important in ECK, but so little is written or said about self-discipline. Learn why self-discipline to do the Spiritual Exercises of ECK is the key which opens the door of Soul, to reveal our dreams and daily lessons in their true spiritual light. Then try a simple spiritual exercise to open your consciousness before sleep. This talk from down under will shed new light on the importance of self-discipline to Soul—and how it brings glimpses into the high worlds of God. (CD) Track Titles: - Keeping a Dream Journal
- Consciousness versus Logic
- The Best Glass of Water
- Realms of Experience
- Two Gardeners and the Twelve Trees
- How Soul Learns
- Staying in the Driver’s Seat
- Fortune-Cookie Lesson
- Expansion of the ECK Teachings
- Spiritual Exercises for Dreams, Soul Travel, and Beyond