The rockets of the twenty-first century can usher man into the frontiers of outer space. But what of his inner universe? For many, it remains a black hole of mystery and speculation. Today’s lightning-fast pace leaves little time to ask: What on earth am I doing here? The search for love, wisdom, and freedom has mostly been in vain. Then you come upon the enchanting words Soul Travel! Dare you hope? Soul Travel is the means the great saints have always used to find the secret kingdom of God while still in their physical bodies. Today, the worlds of God again beckon the restless and weary traveler. All you need for the journey is a road map and a willing heart. ECKANKAR—The Key to Secret Worlds is such a map. The book is a classic work of spiritual literature written by Eckankar’s modern-day founder, Paul Twitchell. Within its pages you’ll discover the secret path to God via Soul Travel, the psychology of the spiritual self, case histories of Soul Travelers, how to solve life’s problems with Eckankar, and more. In chapter 9 Paul writes: We are aware that God is not within us, but the kingdom of heaven is—and this kingdom of heaven, which Christ used in his parables, is only that which we call Spirit. We realize that we are available to God at all times because of this principle. This means that each plane of life is within us and without the consciousness of man. Spirit, therefore, is the spark of God that is instilled in the consciousness of each individual, so that Its consciousness—Soul—can be an operative force on Its own, anywhere within the universe of the Supreme SUGMAD [God]. All aboard for the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Soul Planes. The flight is now boarding. Welcome! Table of Contents: 1. The Secret Path to God via Soul Travel 2. The Reality of Transcending the Physical Body 3. The Perplexing Techniques of Soul Travel 4. The Spiritual Travelers and Their Techniques 5. The Psychology of the Spiritual Self 6. The Basic Principles of Eckankar 7. Unique Case Histories of Soul Travelers 8. Solving Life’s Problems with Eckankar 9. Preparation for the Journey to God 10. The Lonely Journey in the Heavenly Worlds 11. The Etheric Hierarchy of the Heaven-Worlds 12. The Illuminated Way as the Ultimate Experience (eight CDs) |